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Shebs Alom is a member of the British Guild of Travel Writers.

Charleston’s Southern Hospitality: A Journey of Inclusion

November 29, 20232 min read

The stories of our deep past are acknowledged, which is important for any community to move forward, and in many ways, used as a foundation for a more diverse and unified future. We welcome everyone here no matter where they are from." Karen McDaniel

Charleston's Southern Hospitality:

Under the gentle caress of the South Carolina sun, Charleston unfolded its narrative, blending history’s whispers with the rhythm of tradition and presenting a harmonious symphony of Southern charm.

As an Asian traveller, my journey to this captivating destination evolved into an immersive exploration — not merely an expedition into its storied past but a deliberate quest to untangle the intricate threads of racial inclusivity woven into the very fabric of this historic city.

What lay ahead exceeded anticipation — an extensively woven symphony of warmth, a dance of meaningful relationships, and a revelation that destroyed every preconceived assumption cemented in my travel-weary mind.

Discovering Charleston

horse carriage

You can discover Charleston on a traditional horse carriage (Photo credit: Shebs Alom)

On my very first day of exploring, Karen McDaniel, a Caucasian tour guide from Lowcountry History Strolls, who has lived in Charleston her whole life, provided me with an excellent walking tour of the downtown area. She emphasised to me, “The stories of our deep past are acknowledged, which is important for any community to move forward, and in many ways, used as a foundation for a more diverse and unified future. We welcome everyone here no matter where they are from.” Over the decades, the city evolved into a place where diverse backgrounds and cultures converged, fostering an atmosphere of inclusion and acceptance.

My own journey as an Asian traveller was a testament to this transformation, as I had misconceptions about the South in general. One of the many memorable occasions I had during my stay was the vibrant ambience of a Gather Charleston event I attended. The air buzzed with laughter and the mingling aromas of diverse cuisines. Just chatting to the locals, their faces animated with culinary delight, graciously shared stories that wove the Charleston’s rich culture. As flavours danced on taste buds, intimate conversations unfolded like a symphony, revealing the heartbeat of a community united by a shared love for food and the art of storytelling.

As I reflect on my September 2023 trip, Charleston occupies a sacred space in my heart. It’s more than charming streets and historic landmarks; it’s a city that defies stereotypes, radiates warmth and exemplifies the celebration of diversity. With its deep roots in history and a hopeful gaze towards the future, Charleston has become an integral chapter in my life’s narrative—a testament to the enduring power of inclusivity.

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